The new ESP-WROVER-KIT supports the most distinguishing features of the ESP32. Whether you need external pSRAM for IoT applications, or an LCD+camera interface, we have you covered!
The ESP-WROVER-KIT is a newly-launched development board built around ESP32. This board is compatible with ESP32 modules, including the ESP-WROOM-32 and ESP32-WROVER. The ESP-WROVER-KIT features support for an LCD and MicroSD card. The I/O pins have been led out from the ESP32 module for easy extension. The board carries an advanced multi-protocol USB bridge (the FTDI FT2232HL), enabling developers to use JTAG directly to debug the ESP32 through the USB interface. The development board makes secondary development easy and cost-effective.
Key features- ESP32 is engineered to be fast, smart and versatile. The ESP-WROVER-KIT complements these characteristics by offering on-board high speed Micro SD card interface, VGA camera interface, as well as 3.2” SPI LCD panel and I/O expansion capabilities.
- Bogged down by bugs? The ESP32 supports JTAG debugging, while the ESP-WROVER-KIT integrates a USB debugger as well. This makes debugging and tracing complex applications very easy, without the need for any additional hardware.
- Have you been developing your applications around the ESP-WROOM-32 module? Not only does the ESP-WROVER-KIT support the popular ESP-WROOM-32 module, but it also supports the new ESP32-WROVER module, which is coming soon!
Check out Espressif's
Getting Started Guide and you'll be on your way with the ESP-WROVER-KIT!